We help powerful women connect to other powerful women through social media + intentional connection...to lead to real sales.

Does this sound like something you’ve been struggling with? Authentic connection and conversion? 

I’m Ash, your Social Media Coach, that helps you ditch the idea that there’s some kind of “secret sauce” or perfect strategy that will fix your marketing and sales problems. I teach you through my unique strategy to learn how to market and sell without bypassing your personal and intuitive way of conducting sales. 


What We Do Together


Together we’ll take the complication out of your social media marketing process.


Together we’ll clarify how to conduct a social media strategy that feels freaking good, doesn't include you spending thousands on a social media agency to do it for you, and brings in sales (instead of just "likes" and comments!)


Simplifying and clarifying your marketing means that your profits are going to be quantifiable because you’ll have a higher conversion rate of followers to buyers when you lead them from commenter to client in your CRM! Sounds better than just getting more comments, right? Isn't that what social media coaches usually teach you?

What They're Saying...

Hey You!

I’m Ashleigh. I want to meet you face-to-face and have coffee (even if it’s virtually). Be prepared for me to ask you “what’s something good that’s happened in the last 24 hours?” (it’s how I start every meeting I have and probably gives you some insight into my energy!)

I strategically help women craft their social media presence so they can increase their impact and income, without having to outsource to social media agencies until they’re ready to. 

Why? Because I believe women have the intuitive, soul-driven power that’s needed to change the world. We’re powerful as heck and we bring change into the world every single day. Are you one of those women?

What The Data Says...

Quick Question for You...


If your ideal customer went on your social media accounts right now, would they know exactly what you’re selling, how to use your product or service, and how to buy it? 

Would they know how to buy it again and again and share that product with their family and friends?

Before I worked with most of my clients, they thought they were providing simplified and clarified messaging on their social media accounts for their followers to know, like, and trust them enough to buy from them, but once we started working together…they realized they could have made it more clear.

Clarity moves our followers from following us, to lurking around our social accounts, to “liking” and engaging with our posts, to our payments pages. 

All we have to do is ensure that we’re being clear every step of the way.

That’s how I help.

I teach you how to do that through auditing, analysis, content strategy, intentional and proactive sales strategies, and so much more.

Does This Feel Familiar?

  • You have a life-changing product or service, but you struggle to find the right people that actually need it (you may have crafted that “perfect ideal client avatar”, but you can’t actually seem to find that person online?)…
  • You have remarkable ideas that you want to launch all over social, your website, and to your email list…but you’re literally lost as heck with how to start that process (or how to keep executing once you’ve started the process)…
  • You know what your business does for people, but you struggle to explain how and why it’s important to people…to convert them from a “listener” to a “buyer” (meaning your impact and income ceilings are low as heck and you want to shatter them)…
  • You have spent money on marketing before and didn’t see the ROI or return-on-time that you wanted, so you’ve succumbed to doing it all yourself (and you’re exhausted, frustrated, and not seeing a return now either and need a better way)…

Let’s Do This Together

Want to know how it works? I like knowing how things work before I invest in them.

Step 1:

Schedule a Free Consultation

Schedule a free consultation with me so I can learn about your business, your story, your dreams, your goals, and see if we're a good fit for your next biz investment (I won't sell you on something that I don't think you need).

Step 2:

Get Started

We’ll start working together through one of the coaching packages that we’ve discussed in the consultation. You can peruse the packages via my services page in the right hand-corner of this site (start thinking about which of those lines in the packages do and don't make sense and which you
feel like you have down and which you don't!)

Step 3:

See Your Income and Impact Grow

When you have clarified your message across all of your marketing assets it makes it easier for the dreamy customers to understand what you’re selling, what you can do for them, how to buy it, and how to tell their friends about it. Making your impact and income grow in sustainable fashion while utilizing social media as a tool! We won't be focusing on the "trends" nearly as much as we'll be focusing on longevity and sustainability for your company.

Are you ready to see your social media
work for you?


If you’re ready to go from the being frustrated, tired, confused, and overwhelmed by trying to keep up with the newest social media trends to find those dream-clients that seem to be hiding, to a savvy, joyful, confident woman in biz that’s soulfully and intuitively connecting with dream-clients via social media…let’s start the journey together.


Working one-on-one with a Social Media Coach is an investment in you, your skills, your passion, your dream, your business, and the customers that are praying for someone like you right now (but not paying YOU right now).

What The Data Says...

Hang With Me on Instagram!

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